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The Seventh Seal (The Chronicles of Daniel Stone Book 1) Page 14

  ‘Where is Daniel?’

  Smee turned to Simean. ‘Fetch the boy.’

  Simean gestured to one of the men to fetch Daniel. Our time had come. Still behind Albertus, we closed our eyes and just as we had on the mountain we concentrated on each other, trying to find regulus pathways to unlock its energy. Within moments, shouts from inside the camp could be heard, breaking our concentration and soon a runner whispered in the ear of Simean.

  Simean screamed at him, ‘Well find him.’

  Smee’s face dropped and now he screamed at Simean, ‘Get him back now… he can’t get out, he’s trapped.’

  Sarah now screamed, ‘Don’t hurt him, he’s just a boy.’

  ‘Well that will be up to him, won’t it?’ snarled Smee.

  ‘It would seem, Odling, you are unable to fulfil your part of the deal,’ said Albertus calmly.

  ‘Well then, it seems I will have to kill you after all…’ said Smee.

  Albertus grabbed Sarah’s hand and moved her aside. In all of the confusion, no one had noticed our formation. We now reset our thoughts and within moments the energy connections were being made. The Professor, of course, was not the Seventh Seal Keeper and in a Theran fighting triangle the seventh Keeper was critical to the channelling of the energy from the other six seals. It was their job to direct us, but the Professor’s knowledge of the regulus was without equal and we soon lifted from the ground on a bed of energy.

  Smee ordered his men to attack and they came rushing at us, a bloodthirsty horde. Our drows were drawn and the Professor started to spin the triangle.


  Daniel was running as hard as he could, which was not fast enough, for his pursuers were far more nourished and hydrated than he was and he was soon floored by two men. As he hit the ground, he could just see out of the corner of his eye a black mass moving quickly towards them.

  Everett was making fast progress on horseback and with sword drawn he cut down the two men before they realised what was happening.

  ‘Get up,’ he screamed to Daniel, and Everett virtually dragged him onto his horse behind him.

  ‘Who are you?’ Daniel gasped.

  ‘I am Everett… I knew your father… now hold on; we’re not out of trouble yet.’

  Everett kicked the horse and they sped off into a gallop.


  As the Professor walked forward so did we; now fully connected by the regulus energy, we moved as one, spinning all the time at such high speed that our enemy could not see us as individuals. We were a storm and they did not know and could not know where to target in close combat.

  To us, however, things were much more stable; the faster we went the slower they moved – a funny quirk of time and Frank’s equations. These men had never seen a Theran fighting triangle and so for the first moments of the battle, surprise was with us and we dispatched many of Simean’s men. Smee was soon wise to this, however.

  ‘Simean, get your men formed into small groups of four with their swords out. Don’t try to see them; just stab at the triangle. Keep the groups close together. They may have speed, but they only have two eyes each; they can’t be everywhere.’

  Smee’s plan was a good one and our brief advantage was lost; it was now like trying to negotiate a path through a dense bramble bush, except the spikes were swords. It wasn’t long before the inevitable happened. I heard a cry and turned to see James fall, breaking the connection and the triangle. Without the protection of the triangle, we now found ourselves in the middle of the ‘bramble bush’. We all stood up, surrounding the injured James, maintaining the triangle formation as Smee’s force, not knowing what to do, stood back and waited with swords held in attack mode.

  Smee gloated. ‘You have lost, Albertus; very foolish of you to try to take us on. Now give me the Seventh Seal and I will consider not killing all of you.’

  Albertus paused for a moment…

  Everett could see the mass of men in front of him and with Daniel holding on tight behind him, he kicked the horse to gain speed. Smee and his men had not seen him and he crashed into them, smashing them aside like bowling pins. Jade and Paris grabbed onto the saddle straps, one on each side for balance as the horse ploughed through, lifting their feet off the ground and holding on for dear life.

  Smee was looking on in dismay. Using the forward momentum of the horse, Jade grabbed Daniel and pulled him down as all three of them now landed on Albertus and Sarah, bringing them to the floor. With great speed, both Keepers pressed their seals and the group disappeared in front of Smee’s eyes as Everett continued on his path, away into the distance.

  This gave us enough time; that all important concept, which over the last two days had taken on new meaning to me. James was bleeding badly; we grabbed him, forming a small group, and prepared to leave just as Geddy came bounding through the legs of the Badaran. He just managed to join us as we left the Eastern Desert and returned to Tolemak.

  Smee, once again dejected in defeat, did not hear the voice shouting his name until Rutledge, Simean’s second in command, came running over and shook him.

  ‘Smee… look… look…’

  Rutledge held in his hand a small gold disc, engraved with filigree: James’ seal.

  Smee’s dejection turned to elation. He did not have the Seventh Seal, but he had a seal and that could get him to the Arcanum. Not the result he had intended on this day, but the balance had favoured his ambitions.

  6 – Time for a New Keeper

  14th September 2012, Earth

  Elizabeth Shurman was preparing to leave the secret underground offices of the Earth Protectors to go home. The appearance of the Keepers four days earlier had spooked her and she was worried that her internal jitters were reflected in her manner and expression. She was not one for keeping secrets and her mother had always told her that she wore her heart on her sleeve, an Earthien expression that always makes me smile.

  It was six-thirty and the shifts were changing. She made her way silently up the stairs and out into the park before picking up a bus home, like millions of other Londoners. Home was Richmond, just east of the park, and the journey took around forty minutes on a good day but could be as much as an hour and a half in heavy traffic. Today was a good day and she didn’t have too much time on her own to dwell on the situation she had found herself embroiled in.

  Elizabeth was forty-two years old, with a fifteen-year-old son called Calum. She was widowed; her husband had died in a car accident involving both her and Calum and they were both lucky to have survived. Calum, unfortunately suffered terrible injuries in the accident and was now confined to a wheelchair.

  Despite how the balance had played out for him he was a happy boy and the two of them were incredibly close. He had his dark moments, of course; for anyone to have suffered what he had is hard enough, but for someone so young and full of spirit it was a long life sitting. However, he was courageous and with his mother’s help, the Earthien spirit of defiance of the balance rose triumphantly above the darkness and he made all out of life, ignoring his disability and accepting his ‘normal’.

  Elizabeth was always upbeat with Calum. ‘Anything was possible. With advances in medical science, one day you will walk… it’s only a matter of time…’ she would tell him.

  He would smile, of course, not take it seriously and move on, but she was serious and every night went to sleep in hope, her dreams lifting Calum from his iron chair. She saw him walk again every night; it was only in the day that she had to cope with a different form of reality. Eventually this line between day and night became blurred and her hold on what was real started to slip.

  Elizabeth decided on a course of action that was about to bring her right into the centre of our battle.

  14th September 2012, Eastern Desert

  Smee could not contain his delight at the sight of the First Seal, James’ Seal, and was jumping up and down in a quite uncontrolled way. For once in his life, after fighting all the adversity he had faced, he had a victor
y over the establishment that he felt had destroyed his life. All those years of suppressed feelings were now coming out, spilling out from his soul like lava from a volcano.

  ‘Well, Simean today is indeed a day to celebrate; we have won our first battle in the war.’

  ‘I’m glad you’re happy. I’ve lost some good men today. Why are you so happy anyway? I thought you wanted the Seventh Seal,’ he said, a little dejected.

  Smee ignored the loss of men. ‘Indeed I do, the Seventh Seal is mine by birth right, but it was not to be today. But we have a seal and that allows me to get the Arcanum. I can now cause havoc for the Keepers and that will flush them out, and you, my friend, and all your men can make millions and live wherever you like. In any fight, Simean, you must adapt to the events as they unfold; so the prize today is a good one. I will get the Seventh Seal another day. Get the beer out and let the men celebrate.’

  Simean looked at Smee with a strange ‘who is this man’ look, for he saw in that moment a different Smee, one who smiled and was happy. He turned, shaking his head and fiddling with his hair in bewilderment.

  Smee continued to smile to himself as he looked at the beauty of the seal in his hand and as the adrenalin in his body started to wane he recapped on the events of the day. It was at that point he began to wonder who the mystery man on horseback was. Albertus had come with a trump card, that’s for sure, but who was he? His pondering didn’t last long, however, as the noise from the camp started to build as their celebrations got into full swing and he turned, not to join them but to dwell on his future in solitude as he had all his life.

  14th September 2012, Tolemak

  Our return to Tolemak was chaotic. James was crying out in pain and needed urgent care, and Daniel was being smothered by Sarah and he was looking understandably bewildered. Albertus called us to order.

  ‘Professor, take care of James and tend to his wounds. Sarah, Daniel, come with me please. Daniel, let’s get you some water and rest. I’m sure you have many questions and I will answer them all in good time. The rest of you get cleaned and fed and we will meet in the chambers this afternoon.’

  In the breathlessness of the moment, Jade piped up, ‘Albertus, who was the man on horseback who saved us?’

  ‘That was an old friend I called upon just in case we needed help; his name is Everett. He now lives alone up in the Northern Ice Fields and we don’t see him much, but like all old friends, it’s not the amount of time you have with them that matters, you just know that when you find yourself in need, they will help.’

  Albertus, Sarah and Daniel headed towards the tower. Next to the central tower were six small terraced cottages used by the gardeners; one of these had been set aside for mother and son. Sarah sat on the bed next to Daniel as he slowly drank some badly needed water.

  ‘I know you must be very confused, Daniel.’

  ‘Mum, where am I?’

  ‘You are safe, my love, that’s all you need to know for now.’

  He couldn’t cry and of all the emotions he was feeling, anger was the dominant one; he felt betrayed by his mother and father. The similarities with Smee’s childhood story were not lost on me at this point in our tale; we all knew we had to tread carefully with our young would-be Keeper.

  ‘I don’t understand anything anymore… why?’

  But he was too tired for anything; too tired to feel, to react, his body needed rest and he had no more to say. He fell asleep. Sarah slept by his side.


  By early afternoon we all met again in the chambers. James was up on his feet, after the Professor had worked a miracle on him once again. The mood was buoyant and so was Albertus.

  ‘Keepers… Keepers… everyone… can I have some quiet for a moment please? I just wanted to congratulate you all on a fine job today—’

  James cut in. ‘Albertus…’ He winced, still in much pain.

  ‘What is it now, James?’ Albertus said impatiently.

  ‘I’ve lost my seal.’ There was too much noise in the chamber.

  ‘What do you mean you can’t feel?’ Albertus’ impatience now turned to annoyance.

  James held his wound and shouted, ‘I’ve lost my seal!’

  The silence was deafening as everyone turned to look at poor James. I will never forget how Albertus went from elation to deflation so quickly and he slumped down on a nearby chair and stared into space. When he finally spoke it was just two words. ‘James… how?’

  ‘I’m sorry, Albertus, it must have been when I was stabbed; in all the confusion I guess it fell out.’

  ‘Fell out? Fell out?’ Albertus now boomed, filling the whole chamber with his presence.

  ‘You are not a child in a school playing with marbles; you are the Keeper of the First Seal of Thera. You should have taken greater care, James. Smee is now free to roam Earth and Arthe. It was one thing for him to have escaped from Arahas, but now your carelessness has put all life in danger.’ James held his head low in despair.

  ‘What do we do, Albertus?’ asked Paris solemnly.

  ‘We must warn Peter and the Earth Protectors. Smee will try to get the Arcanum; that is a certainty.’

  ‘What about Daniel?’ replied Paris.

  ‘He will be safe here. Smee has a seal and that gives him what he wants for the moment; he still doesn’t know that the Seventh Seal is lost so we must use our time wisely. I hope young Daniel is ready for what he is about to learn. Lucius, Paris, you head to Earth and warn Peter. The Arcanum must be brought back here. In the meantime we must keep this grave news amongst us; this is an issue for the Keepers only. Do I make myself clear?’

  ‘But, Albertus, what is there to gain from hiding it?’ asked Jade.

  ‘Stability, Jade; our people and Sarah and Daniel need to know they are safe; that is our job.’

  ‘But what about trust?’ she replied in a naïve tone.

  ‘Jade, we are the Keepers of balance; we do what needs to be done. Trust is built by us exercising good judgement; by me exercising good judgement.’ He paused momentarily.

  ‘It’s at times like these when you realise the burden we all bear, my friends. For now we must welcome Daniel into our fold. Despite this grave news, we are all alive and we have much to be happy for and to celebrate. You have an important job to do with Daniel; he will need your support to come to terms with his new life and to move on from the one he has to leave behind.’ Albertus turned to the Professor.

  ‘Alexander, I think we need one of your famous Tolemak celebrations. Let’s break out the Cask 43 wine.’

  ‘Are you sure, Albertus?’ said the Professor.

  ‘Yes, I am, we must keep things normal. This is what we do, my friends: we maintain the balance and from balance we build trust.’

  Albertus’ candour hit like a storm. The impact of our actions had never been so close to home; we realised at that moment how fragile reality was and that the power we wielded placed upon us a burden of responsibility that sent shivers down our spines.


  Daniel woke from his slumber first, looked down at his mother and then at the humble surroundings he now found himself in. Like a baby focusing on sight and sound for the first time, he was mesmerised as he opened the door to see the vast scale of the castle and immediately thought of a childhood story of the strange Land of Oz.

  As he stood in confusion he could feel a sloppy dog tongue licking at his fingers and the dog voice in his head again. ‘Dan…yell, good?’

  What on earth was this place? He was briefly recapping on his experiences since he was taken by Smee, trying to piece together these strange fragments, when his train of thought was broken.

  ‘Hi, Daniel, I’m Jade.’

  Jade extended her hand and Daniel automatically responded, still half in this new world, half stuck in his thoughts. ‘Hi… Daniel,’ he stuttered.

  ‘Are you okay, Daniel? You seem a little…’

  Daniel snapped together like a purse. ‘Sorry, just woken up and I’m still a bit daz
ed… sorry, who are you again?’

  ‘Jade McQuiston, Keeper of the Fourth Seal of Thera, at your service.’ She smiled.

  ‘Keepers, seals, what is this place? What the hell is a Keeper?’ said Daniel, now with anger in his voice.

  Sarah was now awake and protectively stood by Daniel’s side and placed an arm around him, but he wriggled at the touch and she quickly removed it.

  ‘I’m sure Albertus will explain everything, Daniel,’ said Jade, now regretting her impatience to meet the next Keeper.

  ‘Well while I’m waiting for this Albertus, why don’t you try?’

  He now turned to his mother. ‘And I think you owe me an explanation as well. Fifteen years of lying is no mean feat.’

  He did not wait for either his Mother’s or Jade’s explanation and stormed off into the gardens with Geddy close by his side; anywhere to be on his own. Daniel was making his way grumpily through the gardens when both Albertus and I intercepted him.

  ‘Young Daniel, did you sleep well?’ asked Albertus in an upbeat mood.

  ‘Why are you acting as if nothing unusual has happened to me? I slept well, yes; in fact, I’ve been sleeping for fifteen years in one long dream because I have no idea what on earth is going on. Everyone in my life has lied to me.’

  He started to break down and I could see his eyes glaze as tears welled up.

  ‘I understand you must be confused, you have had to suffer and endure much physical and mental pain and I know we are partly to blame for that, but I hope you will come to see that you are part of the nature of life itself. You could no more avoid this than you could avoid your voice breaking as you turned from child to young man. I hope you will give us the time to explain all of this,’ said Albertus tenderly.

  He held out his hand. ‘I am Albertus Magnus, I am the Keeper of Peace at Tolemak Castle where you are currently staying and I am very pleased to meet you. Your father and I were the closest of friends and I hope one day we can be too.’